
Showing posts from April, 2023

My Wife and I Played A Game of Screen Drafts to Determine the Best Michael Haneke Films

My wife V and I are into some dark imagery. We watch enough spooky door cam videos to be happy have an upstairs condo. We both watch the bleakest horror films. I watch the bleakest art films. When I am feeling sad I can watch Amour  (the one Haneke we skipped because we have been hit with some real life similar death recently and I did not think my wife would want to watch it) or 'Night Mother  (1986) where Sissy Spacek spends the whole movie listing reasons for suicide to her mother. That's how I handle sadness. To clear her head, V can watch more gnarly true crime YouTube videos than I can stomach. There was a revival screening of Funny Games (1997) last month. And halfway through, I whispered to V, don't tell me if you like this film or not. We are going to play a game. I thought we were both ready to tackle Michael Haneke's depressive and distinct filmography.  Before that screening I had only seen Amour  & Funny Games  (2007). V had only seen the latter. So w

My Wife and I Played a Game of Screen Drafts to Determine the Best Ring and Grudge Films.

A normal episode of the Screen Drafts is played with two people. It is a 7 film draft. Each Player gets a veto. And order is determined by trivia (related to the topic of film being discussed, a long ago pod episode was on Tobe Hopper). The winner of trivia can chose if they want more picks (7,6,4 and 2) or the number one pick (5, 3, and 1). The films being chosen are usually theatrical films but if both parties agree, a rule called "the mooch rule" can allow for television films to be played. Screen Drafts also has mega episodes and mini mega where far more than seven picks are drafted. and more than two people play. In November, my wife V was kind enough to play a Three Stooges feature film drafts with me. I told her she could pick the next topic, and since we both love international horror, she opted for the Ringu and Ju-On films, of course we watched the American remakes and sequels as well, even the direct to video Grudge III. I won the trivia; don't ask me how becau